The undersides of my eyelids glow violet.  It feels like they're glowing
violet borderless light in the dark.  I like the thought that my eyes might
channel ultraviolet radiation.  My body is the body of the spectrum of
radiation.  If my soul is an electromagnetic construct, why can it not
interact with more conventional electromagnetic fields?  Radio in the head
is only a blatant physical manifestation.  A secret god sleeps in your
dental fillings.  My soul channels the latent radiation in the air to exude
all frequencies outward from my being, combusting in the static air.  My
soul is fully incarnated in my body, and if my soul lay dead in the black
void, it would be no less so.

It's time to celebrate your being by putting white powders up your nose.
Your soul is holy, and your body is holy, and ingestion of the bodies of
angels is a celebration of this.  You shouldn't be taking time to pray when
that time is a denial of the physical.  The physical is the spiritual
incarnated here.  Apollo is an electromagnetic field who sits above the
north pole, and Amor on his shoulder to the south.  Living is a prayer to
your gods.  Rejoice.

Next time you make love, remember you're fucking a field of electric radio
waves of magnetism.  Screw your ideals of love for humanity: your ideals of
love for what it contains are more important.  How you could have ever
failed to realize the totality of your physical incarnation is beyond me.

Why should any god inhabit a church without life?  I don't even have to
leave my room to commune with all the gods there ever were.  Omniscience is
quite beside the point.

last revision May 10, 2001

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